It’s the time of year when we get more focused on gratitude and giving isn’t it? I am willing to bet that the one thing you are not focusing on enough is taking care of you, and that can make all the difference. I completely understand the pressure to make sure the right gifts are made or bought, that everyone in your life feels special and considered during the holiday season. It’s totally normal to feel frazzled doing things for everyone else, so I am speaking to myself and all of you when I say, please give a little time for yourself in the midst of the season of giving.

What can we do to feel nurtured, rested and loved? It’s often so busy in our lives as women that we don’t take the time to connect with ourselves and the wellspring of love, energy, pleasure and joy that surrounds us. Feeling loved, having awesome sex and amazing orgasms has to start somewhere, so here are some basics to support your journey, especially during this time of year.

These ideas may help you to feel nurtured, sexy, and beautiful. They don’t take much extra time and can be easily done regularly. You are so loved and it’s very important for you to be treating yourself in a loving way. Remember that you are letting everyone around you know how you would like to be treated by the way you treat yourself.

1. Take a bath, make it smell pretty, light candles if you have the time, but if you don’t just spend time actually massaging and appreciating all of the parts of your body. You have to wash anyway, so instead of doing it to get it over with quickly, make it feel good! Spend extra time on the parts that feel the best. Set a timer for 5-15 minutes and don’t stop until the timer is done. Enjoy the warm water and let it soothe you. You will be surprised at how much awesome massaging you can get in with a small amount of extra time. (This also works in the shower if you don’t always take a bath.)

2. Put on music you enjoy. In the shower or bath, or while you do something else and make sure to DANCE to the music. Let those hips release and roll. Besides being great for dancing, music sets the mood and contributes to the enviroment so think about what mood you want to create. For example, in the evening, after my kids go to bed, we like to turn on some sexy music to start our evening together, it’s a much different mood than turning on the TV.

3. Wear something that makes you feel beautiful, either as underclothing or outer clothing. This can change your vibe in the world and it changes the way your partner looks at you, especially when only the two of you are in on it!

I hope one or all of these things will help you to feel more sexy and connected with your inner goddess during the holidays and throughout the year. You are a beautiful and powerful being and you are worthy of great ecstasy and amazing experiences of love and they begin with YOU!

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