There is a lot of activity happening energetically lately, how are you feeling? Are you feeling strong, centered, grounded in your power? You know, your power, the remembering of the deep truth within you that connects you to all that is, to GOD, LOVE, and COMPASSION?

We hear it everywhere, “You are so powerful,” but what does that really mean and what can we do with it? If we think about it, power is associated with the ability to affect a change in direction, or feeling, or personal response. Our power is a connectedness with GOD, oneness, all that is, and how we channel that energy as we allow it to flow through us.

Healers are powerful, perhaps the most powerful of all. There are healers of belief, healers of heart, healers of mind, healers of souls, healers of bodies. As humans, we access power with the human limitations we choose to believe in. The fewer limits we accept, the more powerful we can be. The power to heal, to change things and to love is not of this world, but through us it comes into this world. Through the connection to all that is, creator GOD, light, love, divine mother, we have been given the amazing opportunity to manifest actual healing on our planet, in our society and in our personal lives. We call our planet Mother Earth, notice how powerful that feels? The DIVINE FEMININE is always there,  WE are created in her image, as healers, leaders and lovers. So, in case this seems unfamiliar to you, here is a suggestion of how you can use your power to heal.

The feminine that heals, births, loves and nurtures is the power that can and will heal humanity. The tide is shifting all around us, it must shift and yet we have to continue to attend to the balance of the feminine with the masculine energy for the health and welfare of everyone, neither can do it alone. It is so important to stay centered in our power to be peace makers and healers.  You are a powerful healer for yourself, your relationship, for your children, your community. You choose everyday to be more connected to your core power, your divine feminine, the goddess within you. One of the strongest and most valuable places you can feel this connection is in sexual union. Feeling the amazing power of orgasm, love, and ecstasy is a clear reminder that there is a vibration available to us beyond our daily experience. There is physical, psychological and spiritual healing occurring during those sexual experiences of love and connection. One of the many purposes of this beautiful union is to heal us, to allow healing to flow through us and channel that healing into the rest of our lives.

The masculine and the feminine are meant to work in divine harmony, focused in love, united in spirit and body in the best and most sacred examples. Look at the gorgeous, powerful, ecstatic ways we give and grow and feel in our intimate relationships. I believe there is so much to be learned from diving deeply into the connection with our feminine and looking with the eyes of healers, lovers and mothers at the divine masculine and the world. We can call out the best in the masculine and the feminine, we can raise the standards, we can refuse to accept less than love in our own lives, in our communities and on our planet. We can choose to charge our lives with ecstasy and light up the world with the that healing and love.

I am wishing you peace, love, and tons and orgasmic healing flowing through you to the world!


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